Thursday, August 28, 2014

Fall is the time to plant trees

Plant a tree with the family.
Submitted by Guest Blogger, Matt Silkey with Tiger Tree Service. 918-288-7835

I am often asked when is the best time in Tulsa to plant a tree. There is a lot of information on how-to plant a tree and much of it depends on where you're planting it and what kind of tree it is. But let me specifically address when to plant trees in Oklahoma.

Essentially, any time of year except summer is a good time for planting (the heat in the summer presents too great a threat to young vulnerable trees).

However, I have seen that the best time, especially for amateurs, for planting trees in Oklahoma is in the fall. Why? Summer is a bad choice, because the weather is too hot and dry. Intense heat is a major enemy of trees. Winter is too unpredictable and can cause the ground to freeze, which could damage a young tree and it's root system. For some areas of the United States, experts would say that Spring is a good time... but they don't live in Oklahoma, where we can go from snow to hot to drought in 30 days.

I like the Fall, as soon as it starts to cool down. Then when our winter kicks in YOU MUST CONTINUE TO WATER your new tree.  Water your new tree as long as the air and soil temperature is above 40 degrees and I suggest that you water at mid-day so it will have plenty of time to soak in before possible freezing at night. Newly planted trees are most susceptible to winter drought because people forget to water in the winter. It's best to allow the water to soak into the soil slowly to a depth of 12 inches. It will need moisture to prevent root damage.

Make it a fun experience for your whole family this Fall. If you need help or advice just call me, Matt Silkey, Tiger Tree Service. 918-288-7835


This article was submitted by Guest Blogger, Matt Silkey of Tiger Tree Service.

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