Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What Makes For a Good Neighbor?

What makes a neighbor more than just the guy next door? I like to think that a GOOD neighbor is someone who cares and who has your best interests at heart.

Here is a short list of characteristics of a good neighbor.

Good Neighbors...

  1. Introduce themselves. Whether your neighbors are new or have been there awhile, walk over and introduce yourself. It's nice to know who lives next door.
  2. Consider their neighbor's lifestyle. Get to know your neighbors. Are they retired? Do they go to bed early? Are there young children that might throw a ball in your yard? Or teenagers that are new drivers? Consider how you can be a better neighbor to them. 
  3. Control pets. If you take care of your pets, they might take care of theirs. Pick up after your dogs and keep them on a leash when walking. Be considerate. Is there a young child or a baby next door that is sleeping? Don't let your dogs bark.
  4. Practice parking etiquette. When you park your vehicle on the street, consider where your neighbors driveway is and their mailbox. Park in front of your home and not theirs. Avoid slamming doors late at night.
  5. Alert neighbors to events & parties. Are you having a baby shower? Let your neighbors know that there will be extra cars on the street and thank them for any inconvenience that the extra cars may cause. Having a swim party in the pool in the back yard? Again, let your neighbors know and be careful about loud music out doors. Better yet, invite the neighbors!
  6. Keep their yards tidy. Your weeds are not only unsightly, but they can spread to your neighbor's yard. Mow your lawn and work on keeping the weeds under control. Keep your bushes trimmed,  even if you'll never win Yard-Of-The-Month.  When spraying pesticides, be aware of your neighbor's gardens, their children and pets.
  7. Control fires and grills. Of course, you don't want to set the neighborhood on fire, but also, be mindful of which way the smoke from your fire is blowing. Are your neighbors outside getting all the smoke while you roast marshmallows with the kids?
  8. Put trash cans out on the right day. Only put the trash cans out on collection day and try to contain it well. Garbage can attract insects and animals. Then, bring it back onto your property as soon as you can. 
  9. Talk to their neighbors. Communication is the solution to most problems. You can short-circuit many mis-understandings by periodically talking to your neighbors. Let them know that if you or your family do anything that disturbs them to let you know. Exchange phone numbers and email addresses.
  10. Stay alert to suspicious behavior and strangers. Even if you don't have a "neighborhood watch", you can still keep an eye open for suspicious behavior in your neighborhood. But don't be a hero. Your best weapon is your phone. Dial 911.
  11. Are nice. Give assistance when needed. Nice neighbors enhance everyone's lifestyle. Consider picking up your neighbor's newspaper when they travel or help them shovel snow from the drive in the winter. Offer them some ice-cold lemonade on a hot day.
This Good Neighbor article was sponsored by Nichtech roofing. Call and ask for Charles for all your roofing needs. He's a great guy and I highly recommend him. We also want to thank Nichtech Roofing for advertising in the Chimney Hills Estates newsletter.

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